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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Are Corporate Communication people a roadbloack for the media?

Chatting with a journalist sometimes back. He was bitching about a couple of corporate communication (CC) people. According to him, the PR guys know much more than these CCs but because of insecurity or something else CCs never allow the PR people to interact with the Country heads directly. He also stated that CCs are always a roadblock in reaching out to the right people and companies should be more careful in appointing CCs, else it will backfire.

Friends...what do you think? Is this journalist talking sense?


Anonymous said...

no is talking complete sense... the CCs take more than a day to confirm a meeting... which PR guys finalise after spending at least a couple of days to a week of efforts. They think the journos are in a waiting line to meet the firm and can be piked and thrown at any given time... ridiculous.. I wish they understood the importance of PR and the importance of others time and efforts that are wasted over their convenience..

Anonymous said...

this discussion is quite funny actually, wonder how much the journalist knows about corp com.. its not just about reaching out to the right people, its also about reaching the right people at the right time.. and the corp com knows that better than the journalist or the spokesperson.. everyone's got a job to do, its easy to bitch like this when you have no freaking clue about how the corp com functions..

about PR people knowing more than CC, we'll CC people are PR people, let's just say a more evolved form of PR people.. to draw a conclusion, there are nuts everywhere, in CC, Agencies and quite a lot of journalists.. to generalize on basis of job profile, you're basically joining the ranks of the former..