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Sunday, July 27, 2008

"We are not anti-social"

One reporter from a leading TV News Channel in India was going through Palin's interview in my blog. Immediately, he called me up and asked "If Web is the social media, then are we anti-social?". I could not replied to that question.

And, yeah....print and television is playing an important role in bringing the society together, raising the issues of the society....

Even though PR 2.0 is getting big in today's world of communication, but we cant wipe out the importance of the traditional media.

Friends .... please post your comments whether the traditional media should also be considered as Social Media

1 comment:

avidblogger said...

The print media has lost almost all of its advocacy. People have lost faith on the kind of journalism being penned in the print media and telecast on the electronic media.

The web has to an extent brought back the authenticity of citizen jounalism. But it still a long way to go before web 2.0 takes over as the social medium of choice.