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Monday, June 23, 2008

ORM - How big it can get for PR professionals?

A good reputation can take years of backbreaking work to establish, yet can be taken apart by one careless remark or action.Bad news has always travelled fast, but today it can zip around the world at light speed through the fibre-optic cables of the internet.

So when a potential customer is searching online for your business using nothing but Google, it's more important to block the negative news rather than get your company in the top search engine page results.

Therefore, does this Online reputation management can be an important tool for PR professionals as we are on the threshold of PR 2.0.


Debashree said...

If a positive publicity is good, negative publicity is even better, as the bad words spread faster. And there comes the role of PR professionals. The ground of publicity is already created. And it doesnot take time to U turn the mode... from Negative to positive. So, take neagtive publicity as a blessing and use it as an opportunity. So!! take the chance to publicize first!!


Anonymous said...

Though Negativity helps in getting publicity, it does not help a company to build its reputation and acceptability.....afterall its about the Corporate World, not about the bloody Entertainment World where people are asking for negative publicity. We, the PR professionals, are Communication expert, not Publicity expert.

MERA PR said...

Certainly....Its tough to control negative publicity when it gets online

Debashree said...

Dear Anonymous friend,

We do business of communication. Corporate world? entertainment world? we are here to build the bridge, to eliminate conflict be it any industry, depending on its requirements.

PR can be used in various ways and to achieve different goals. Though reputation management is an important part of it, but many a times it is not the top most priority.

Reputation is built by work only communication can help in spreading the word

MERA PR said...

Exactly Debashree. One negative news can kill the reputation you have build over years. But,when reputation management gets online, its very important to control the search words (with the help of SEO), and thats why ORM is very crucial for Web PR. I think ...now you are cleared on ORM

K B said...

Well, ORM is certainly one of the most important thing to look out for a company,but if there is no speculation then it hardly makes any difference from day to day activities. A company ruuning into an image crisis can evolve in a great manner following the opportunity...a 360 degree u turn of the current scenario will create a distinction

Kunal Biswas