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Friday, June 27, 2008

Is Mobile PR going to be PR 3.0?

A new study by The Center for Knowledge Societies (CKS) commissioned by Nokia identifies seven major service sectors including transport, finance and healthcare that could be radically transformed through mobile technologies.

Mobile phone ownership in India is growing rapidly, six million new mobile subscriptions are added each month and one in five Indian's will own a phone by the end of 2007. By the end of 2008, three quarters of India's population will be covered by a mobile network. Many of these new "mobile citizens" live in poorer and more rural areas with scarce infrastructure and facilities, high illiteracy levels, low PC and internet penetration. The study looks at how their new mobility could be used to bridge the growing economic and social digital divide between rural and urban areas.

Source: Nokia

So, is Mobile PR going to be PR 3.0 after someone coined Web PR (or Social Media PR) as PR 2.0?


K B said...

I dont think mobile PR will be of much emphasis at the early stage in a country where illetirecy levels are still high and lack of basic technical knowledge. Mobile PR can target certain niche audiences like SEC A and B, because most of the mobile users are unknown about PR. Moreover, messages in mobile are trated as nuisance, how can it carry a PR message succesfully, when they are deleated at first instance?

Kunal Biswas

MERA PR said...

Hi Kunal, I completely agree with you. But mobile phones are reaching at the every corner of the country. And, messages in mobile are treated as nuisance because they are non-sense. Users will only value for this messages when this messages will add value to them. That’s where PR needs to chip in. One more thing ….PR is not about media and news ….but far beyond that