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Thursday, June 19, 2008

PR 2.0 - Is this the right time?

If you are an infant in social networking, you may run away from participating in an online forum or from using any application. You might think it’s too confusing. For instance, I’ve heard from lot of people that they’ve tried Twitter, but they just don’t get it . They also don’t feel involved enough to want to continue with their participation in Twitter. With all of the social networking we do, jumping from community to community, socializing with different sets of “friends” , we spread ourselves across the globe. So, is this the right time for PR professional to push the HOT BUTTON?


Ruchi Mehta Jain said...

New age media has arrived in India from quite sometime now, but PR professionals are yet to milk the opportunity and the reason being the corporates of India are not taking the power of internet seriously. New age media is not only about social networking sites, its also about using other web 2.0 tools like blogging and micro blogging.It creates a platform where you can not only measure your investments but actually get a real time feedback from your target audience.

Its high time PR professionals wake up and see this beautiful opportunity because after all we are so called ' the official communication adviser' for our clients. :-)

bella said...

Ya sure rahul. It ceratinly is the right time. Infact hightime.

Ronnie said...

While Web 2.0 is all fine, PR professionals do need to understand their TG well. The next step is to convince the clients accordingly. On the one hand, while Web-based PR gives you a global scope of communication, on the other hand, it may not be an entirely feasible option for a majority of clients in a country such as ours. Forget about the rural areas, even the urban areas are subject to problems such as low bandwith, slow connectivity. And people still do have the propensity to focus more on print and TV for feedback on products. Of course, Web 2.0 can be beneficial to corporate PR or B2B businesses in fields like IT and Financial Services.. so technically speaking, the steps to take for a PR professional would be to identify the Web 2.0 communication needs of a client, then the ROI on the same, and finally the implementation.